日本業者宣稱完全養殖黑鮪2013年上市日本水產公司耗費大量資金,積極投入一套深奧複雜、從卵孵化成魚的黑鮪完全養殖事業,或許能挽救日本嚴重的鮪魚荒。日本Maruha Nichiro水產自1980年代開始野心烤肉食材勃勃進行黑鮪養殖計畫,卻因回收利潤遠低於預期,而在10年後停擺。Maruha Nichiro水產正嚴密監控放置在奄美大島及鹿兒島海岸附近的養殖箱。該公司於2006年以較小的魚投餵槽中孵化的黑鮪,現在約有酒店兼職100尾,體長超過1公尺,希望3年內可在市面上販售。另計畫最快在2013年開始販售奄美大島養殖場育成的10,000尾鮪魚苗,使2015年產量達到500公噸。(摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News, No.6/2010)MARUHA 酒店工作NICHIRO TO MARKET 100% CULTIVATED JAPANESE BLUEFIN BY 2013Maruha Nichiro and other Japanese seafood companies are taking a serious look at growing bluefin tunaentirely in captivity, 褐藻醣膠a goal that has proved expensive and elusive so far.Maruha Nichiro Holdings Inc. started an ambitious project in the 1980s but abandoned it ten years laterbecause of low-profit 信用卡代償expectations. That plan has since been revived and could play a key role in savingJapan from a severe shortage of its beloved tuna.The process involves a cycle of raising fish from 酒店工作eggs hatched in captivity and having those fisheventually lay their own eggs.Maruha Nichiro is closely watching an offshore cage near Amani-Oshima, Kagoshima Prefecture.There, about 整合負債100 bluefin tuna, hatched in a tank in 2006 which are mainly fed smaller fish, havealready grown to more than one meter in length. The company hopes that in three years it will be 租屋網ableto market fully grown tuna hatched from eggs and grown entirely at fish farm. Maruha Nichiro plans tostart marketing farmed tuna from the Amani-Oshima farm as early as 2013, with 東森房屋a target of producing10 000 fish, or roughly 500 MT annually beginning in 2015.

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